
Thorny-headed worms

Revision of Taxonomic notes on Polyacanthorhynchus kenyensis (Acanthocephala: Polyacanthorhynchidae) from Lake Naivasha, Kenya. from Tue, 2013-04-23 19:42

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1995
Authors:O. M. Amin, Dezfuli B. S.
Journal:J Parasitol
Date Published:1995 Feb
Keywords:Acanthocephala, Animals, Bass, Female, Fish Diseases, Fresh Water, Helminthiasis, Helminthiasis, Animal, Kenya, Male, Microscopy, Electron, Scanning, Perciformes, Tilapia

The original description of Polyacanthorhynchus kenyensis Schmidt and Canaris, 1967 from 2 species of fish in Lake Naivasha, Kenya was primarily based on measurements of 2 male cystacanths. That description is herein emended based on the availability of a larger number of immature worms of both sexes obtained from the freshwater teleosts Orechromis leucostictus, Tilapia zillii (new paratenic host records), and Micropterus salmoides. A secretory function for the apical organ is suggested.

Alternate Journal:J. Parasitol.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith